The last revolution is characterized by internet, communication technologies, and the digitalization of everything. The new evolution is the concept of blurring the real world with the technological world.The blurring of AI technology into every part of our lives is becoming the norm. AI is on a steady path to develop a computer that has cognitive abilities equal to the human brain, most likely within three decades. From what most AI scientists predict, this invention may enable very rapid improvements, toward something much more powerful — Artificial Super Intelligence — an entity smarter than all of humanity combined. It is a very effective way to advance the science and the quest to understand our own brains and minds remains as one of the great frontiers of science. Secondly, a computer model of the brain would be very useful for understanding diseases of the brain, which is vital for developing new treatments. Understanding the brain is likely to lead to insights that can be used to build better and more efficient computer systems. Note these threads: future neuroscience, future intelligence and future computing.
We are not talking about some imaginary future. The first level of AI development is gradually appearing in the technology we use everyday . With every coming year these advancements will accelerate and the technology will become more complex, addictive, and ubiquitous. We will continue to outsource more and more kinds of work to computers, disrupting every part of our reality: the way we organize ourselves and our work, form communities, and experience the world. Human intelligence has many dimensions: it is not simply the ability to understand maths, or science, or the arts. Indeed, it would appear to be the form of intelligence most valued by current human society. So we aims to pick up both on the visible and high profile ethical and humanity challenges of AI, and on those that are more hidden, using the tools of humanity, art, philosophy of science, and social sciences.